pretend i'm funny

Ok I’m just putting this out there. What if this time, instead of a Beetle, Herbie is a vengeful Ford Explorer owned by a pregnant woman...

*wakes up*
Man I feel like I got hit by a bus... oh that’s right.

In this world you can either do things the easy way or the right way. You take a boat from here to New York. You gonna go round the horn like a gentleman, or cut through the Panama Canal like some kinda Democrat?

It really seems like you’re going beyond a simple recounting of history here and making personal attacks against people, instead of addressing why they want to preserve these objects. That’s not a rational approach to reporting. That’s just petty vindictiveness.

“The war is over — the rebels are our countrymen again. The war is over, the Rebels are our countrymen again, and the best sign of rejoicing after the victory will be to abstain from all demonstrations in the field.” 

You have to understand that prior to the Civil War, most Americans identified with their state more than the country. Think of it kind of like the EU today. They felt allegiance to their state, so it would have seemed more “traitorous” to refuse to fight for your state, North or South.

Wow! Dafuk did I just read? The tone of this article was so biased it’s unbelievable.

Erase history?

In 1911, a monument was erected in Orlando, Florida in honor of the Confederate traitors who fought to uphold slavery in the South.

What if she never actually turned into diamond and she just made people think she did?

Is more than one comma verboten in article titles? Because this could title could use more punctuation.

If this had been me, I think I would have just pulled over and cried for a little while. Good for Hillier for blasting on through.

It’s funny how pretty much all of the people who get really really mad at “Bernie would have won” are hardcore Hillary fans, while even rabid Trumpsters can ignore it or even agree that, yeah, he probably would have won.

Misread the article title as:

Holy Granola. People are actually doing that?

also, have i ever told you how much i love your avatar/handle combination? (wallace shawn as vizzini was one of the best parts of the princess bride, and i loved him even more as grand nagus zek in ds9.)

So that’s where it is!

I've been corrected of my misconception several times. Thank you and everyone else for clearing that up. Please, there's no need to correct me again. I've learned my lesson about being incorrect on the internet. I'm very sorry I was wrong, and would like to apologize to anyone who was offended by my incorrect

Just a reminder: WD-40 is not a penetrating lubricant.