It somehow has fewer unnecessary pop culture references than Ready Player One.
It somehow has fewer unnecessary pop culture references than Ready Player One.
“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”
“You don’t have to warm up if you never cooled down”
Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.
im a normal guy that just loves brands, so so much
Yeah, i’ll take advice on how to say things shorter from the guy who wrote a paragraph to criticise someone for not using lol
I’m mostly offended at the idea of drinking beer out of a straw.
You misunderstand; he simply loves America so damn much that he’s letting the flag fuck him in the ass.
This is great, because I want more 3rd party stuff on the switch.
That’s the real game. This is your life now. You make paperclips for a living. lol
Counter Strike, a game released 17 years ago, still at number 3. It’s the gaming equivalent of Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side of the Moon.” A classic that can never be equaled.
You know a console is doing well shipped with a ludicrously small amount of internal storage when SanDisk starts rolling out licensed SD cards.
Good commentors rarely stay in Kinja for a full four years any more. They just show up for a year, maybe two, and then want to move on to the big leagues to get paid. No grit or determination.
The only time I even remember Iowa State has a football program is when I see them on screen briefly and think, “Wait...I thought USC played tonight?” before realizing it’s Iowa State and I can go back to forgetting they exist.
My theory:
It was the most NFL players that have ever attended a White House visit EVER!
The sheer number of people with Simpsons names/avatars commenting on this post amuses me.
Loads of reasons, so where to start. They used to brand criminals with them. In the past some would say tattoos go against Buddhist ideals of familial piety. Yakuza have become famous for them. They were outlawed in the late 19th century when Japan was trying to appeal to the West... These are just some of them...