
SOURCES: Billionaires don't have to drive themselves anywhere, because they are billionaires.

The final cherry on this sundae. The Mavs get fucked, Cuban looks like an idiot, and Chris Broussard is still made to look worst of all.

I’ve heard the general rule of thumb, at least in the U.S., is that once you make over $70,000 additional income has diminishing returns on happyness.

Also that whole

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

I feel the same way about your comment.

I’m glad they did go back and fix the game but I’m not sold on the idea that they did it out of the kindess of their hearts and more now that Steam offers refunds and the crippling level of refunds that had to be submitted had to have made them rethink it all. The Batman games have all had issues at launch for PC

sporty grand tourer called the Cheetah.

HBO has given fake trailers/teasers before, they use them to maximize GOT fan tears.

When it comes to font jokes, the journey is the reward.

I knew about it from day one, but I never cared.

Gawker Media keeps trying to terrify me, and I’m just going to reiterate my previous sentiment: Bring it.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Patrician level gamers play titles such as Hearts of Iron and can’t be bothered with casual pleb distractions such as Advanced Wars. You have clearly failed to impress BrandeX’s standards.

And Bill O’Reilly was the host of Inside Edition until 1995.

Makes me think I should model a suite of medieval buildings for Skylines. I don’t know of any city sims for the era.

Depends on the game. CS is a good example of objective based FPS.

Every time an ESPN personality throws shade at Colin Cowherd, an angel gets its wings.