
80% of the commenters are annoying horses??

Now playing

I got to this thread way too late, so many of the responses that leapt to mind have already been taken (TV on the Radio, Living Colour, “Everlong” on the Letterman finale...). But here’s one that really stuck with me: a performance a few years back on Fallon where The Dirty Projectors pulled off some flawless

YES to your first choice. TV on the Radio are so amazingly pure in their energy and focus when they play live, and so few bands can bring that ferocity through the television like they can. I (slightly) prefer the first time TVoTR performed “Wolf Like Me” on Letterman, partly because of how much Tunde bopped and

It did inspire Grieg’s “In the Hall of the Mountain Thing.”

During my last stint at a summer camp, we were taken on a day trip to Hershey Park, where I encountered this pinball machine. I played it until what was remaining of my six dollars in cash was gone, then I cursed myself for buying a hot dog and soda earlier, diminishing the number of times I could play. I never

Oe no!

I watched Sports Night when it was originally broadcast, and I was already digging the style and attitude of it. But when Guillaume busted that line out, it was a real stunner. We’d all become so inured to how casually anyone would invoke Rosa Parks by that point. This was the first time it occurred to me to see it in

I think they ran the series some early morning a week into October, with zero fanfare. At this point, I’m convinced Cartoon Network constructs its schedule by throwing i ching that’s been customized with 20 hexagrams that all say Teen Titans GO!

What’s heartening to me is that it seems to be taking root as a classic in the sense of “beloved annual tradition,” like It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown has become. Rightfully so.

Then you did yourself a severe disservice.

Wait, those aren’t Californian accents?

He’s also been getting onstage to try out this material, but this was the first time I’d seen him perform a full routine, rather than dip into bits from a couch.

I got up early for some reason, and wound up having enough time to watch the special. And it was really affirming to watch, because it made me realize something I’d always loved about Patton’s work, which was always there: his joy when he performs is so palpable. Lots of comics show that they BELONG on stage, or that

You tried to sell your wife? I don’t care if she’s not from America, I’m not buyin’.

If it suits you better, you can dive into the 4chan mindset. Instead of dropping it due to popularity alone, you can also proclaim that the show’s changed, jumped the shark, become shit, etc. and it’s mainly because some women quota’d their way into the writers’ room.

Damning with faint praise.

That’s funny, because there’s always a soft spot IN this pizza too.

The laborious pace and sense of internal uncertainty along its back-stretch of episodes made me feel like Eva was “not just about giant robots” because it became bored with itself. It rekerjiggered its focus and intent with a mighty shrug rather than a cohesive sense of what it was all about.

Oh my god...out of nowhere.

I’ve been skimming over the persistent complaints about the direction of the site since the move to Gawker Media/Kinja, because the folks at the AV Club kept insisting this was just a change of “venue” more than anything. I gave them the benefit of the doubt.