
Ask your friend Joe. Ask your friend Jake.

Beef with Asian actors? Where are YOU ordering your take-out from??

Robo Grigio.

I think this is the sort of dilemma that Zack is touching on when he speaks of possibly going back to the well once too often with this show. For some folks, that moment of “how deep does the rabbit hole go” may be arriving sooner than for others. I also think, as ColourfulSevens says in this thread, the grounding

Technically, Total Rickall was a clip show with clips we never saw (and if you want to stretch the point, the Interdimensional Cable ones were sorta clip shows too), so if anything, this show’s leaning into the fact that it’s not an original idea. They can and will come up with all sorts of excuses to throw out

Yes, hilarious and insidious, which R&M do week after week. Yes, will reward careful and studious rewatching for details I’m sure we all missed initially. But at the risk of becoming a stickler-meeseeks about letter many more A’s can this season warrant? Maybe grading on a curve is necessary here. This

In the case of Rick and Morty, I’d also suggest ignoring the fanbase-backlash. A dumb section of fans have rubber-stamped this season as “the season it all went bad” and are latching onto any perceived deviation from the previous ones as evidence that the show’s lost its glory. (For a little spice, there’s a

You’re not a “philistine” unless you have put in the hours of study and reflection necessary to self-diagnose as a person living with Philistinism.

I still find myself hearing all your comments in Pearl’s voice. So...thanks for making me hear her discussing mermaid puss.

Ah yes. PornHub.

Skywalker’s birth name, too, was Ferry.

So...diners driven to die?

On the other hand, “screw you, YOU’RE the racist” gets you elected President these days. be fair, Fieri “marrying [his] gay sister” sounds less like damage control and more like a really confused plotline from a fanfic.

My brother introduced me to Steely Dan during long car trips into New York City, and they hit my wiseass-kid pleasure center in a more cerebral way than another early love of mine, They Might Be Giants. Musically miles ahead, and on an entirely different map, than anything else I listened to back then. Even when the

Fair enough on the age/mentality thing, I suppose (but if you were already watching Letterman and had easy access to Python, I’d wager you were just scraping the intended audience range). But while it doesn’t light the world on fire like some other properties may, I think you’re underselling the impact it has, and how

Are you referring to the electro-pop cover band from Alberta?

Thank you Canada

Are you referring to Kevin Ilyanovich Rasputin Kubusheskie?

I still remember that MITUCLA is a bad word in Arundiburundi.