
Awesome legumes.

That drink makes you violent too?

I’ve replaced my right hand with one that used to belong to a well-respected octogenarian actor/director because the nerve endings in the fingers makes me feel like Clint Eastwood.

I liked Night in the Woods because it helped me discover a phrase I’ve needed all my life: “fiction hangover.”

Really glad the production staff from Charlie Rose was able to find some work.

Counterpoint: I came twice watching this.


More importantly, how will we identify songs we don’t know the title of on our phones?

No sadder than you dying on the hill of “my authenticity is the CORRECT authenticity,” though. We’re both spewing on the Internet about shit that isn’t really important. And while I’ve just explained an alternate perspective and replied to you calmly, you’ve invoked all kinds of grumpily smug, self-righteous turns of

I think you’re wrong, and it’s weird how worked up this is getting you, frankly. Authenticity seems important to you, but you’re pinning your entire definition of authenticity as it applies to this band on how they fund a video. And you brush aside or overlook reclamation of the ownership of their music, their

So, since OK Go made a deal with a paper company (rather than with a music publishing company) to fund the video the band themselves wanted to make, that somehow makes the self-ownership of their label and music less valuable or authentic?

No, my argument was that OK Go disliked how their label controlled accessibility to the band’s music and videos. So they endeavored to change that by making their own label, thereby regaining control of the accessibility that their former corporate label had throttled. Sorry if that was confusing.

Well, it’s not really new. OK Go made the Rube Goldberg video for “This Too Shall Pass” as a commercial partnership with an insurance company, for one thing, and they made no secret about that in the video.

Well now. When I saw this song posted, I was compelled to jump in and say a couple of things about this album and the band as it was when this was released. But basically, Semolina and Billy expressed the two most important points already. TLGS was a paradigm shift for me in how modern indie rock could sound, and

Guys, guys. Calm down, listen. Listen to this, tell me what you think:

Agreed. That image made me queasy. Usually I have to browse my guro websites to feel that.

This one really hurts. I’m a constituent of Mr. Franken, I voted for him, and he’s done a wonderful job representing my adoptive state of Minnesota. But even with all of that, my initial reaction was that he needs to step down. There’s a hopeful part of my head and heart that tells me maybe an ethics investigation


So that’s what “wakka wakka” means!

“I’m as good as that guy named Jesus