
I felt the same way until I had a proper Shandy.

Andrew McCarthy. That mannequin totally came to life.

it doesn't seem much more or less niche to me than any of the other games mentioned in this review. It's indie, but Metacritic aggregated 28 reviews of the game for the PC version, and another dozen-or-so for the PS4 version. I dunno what type of game warrants a review here or doesn't. But the praise it's gotten, and

This article is the first I've heard of any of this, so that means the apology video embedded above is the first I've seen of this family. So I've got zero context here, and now that I've read what you wrote and seen some other second-hand descriptions of what went on in these videos, I'm glad that's the only context

Oh goddamn. Now I'm watching that apology video, and my brain's dissecting every word, every facial tic, to determine if there's some sign of actual human decency and empathy there, or if this is another case of "we got caught, we know we did bad, and that's what we're sorry for most of all…because being caught and

So this story isn't about an all-puppet Imagine Dragons cover band?

I honestly had no idea he was either that old, or in that poor health.

You just made the animal 40% more adorable, thereby rendering this story 40% more tragic to me personally.

Dental plan!

Gotta catch 'em all.

I haven't checked, but I'm pretty certain airlines have procedures to prevent live animal carriers from moving around during the flight.

Well, it's wabbit season.

Aside from that WAYPTW, this is the first article that discussed the game, if I recall correctly. The readers/commenters don't seem to be playing it, which means it doesn't get discussed in other threads. There's a lot in that game worthy of discussion, I think, and the community here probably would have a lot to say

I'm a bit stunned that this site has paid so little attention to Night in the Woods. I realize I have the biased viewpoint of a fan, but there's really a lot to the game that I feel would be of interest to the readership here, and not just to the hardcore Gameological commenters.

That's why you should avoid experiences.

I saw Your Friends and Neighbors in a theatre sitting next to my mother. That first scene with Ben Still and Catherine Keener…yeah, not exactly the most comfortable moment I've had at the cinema with my mom.

Thonk you for your condor.


Some YouTube wisenheimer could make a decent dub of Mulholland Dr's pivotal scenes by filling the meaningful, atmospheric silences with sit-com audience reactions and canned laughter. That'd be pretty cute.

If only someone would make the shit out of that.