
Are you me?

Absolutely the most frightening moment I've experienced in film. And not just the reveal, but the entire build-up is creepy, anticipatory perfection.

I adore this movie, and I adore maybe half of all other Lynch movies I've seen (which is all of them aside from Inland Empire, since I just haven't found the right time/place for that yet).

Let the accusations of Special Snowflakedom commence!!

I think in this case, it's pretty forgivable. Obviously it depends on how much of a tolerance you have for their deep dives into surrealism (like "King Worm," "Beyond the Grotto," and "Is That You?" for example, which I enjoy personally). But as the episode that bridges two long miniseries arcs, it's not quite so

Has Jake ever been made aware of his extraterrestrial heritage? I thought the audience was let in on it, and maybe his own parents, but I don't think he knows of it directly.

AT is, and will be remembered as, a turning-point in cartoons for kids and teens. You're correct to call it a pop-culture juggernaut. It's genuinely strange to see how far it's faded while still in production, and NOT being flogged to death by CN. Obviously it'd be nice if they gave enough of a crap to deftly play to

There's a weekend-long party happening in Minneapolis and out at Paisley Park for Prince. It's going to be an annual thing. I don't know if I'll be able to get out to it at all. But it'll be epic. The show opened last night with a surprise appearance from George Clinton.

The old brown shirts, they ain't what they used to be.

Unless you're Sting.

I won my first big role in a high school musical by auditioning with The Vatican Rag. Yep! I'm old!

And I saw one of the records and it smiled at me.

"Make us hope Lamar drops another album this week…" I SEE WHAT YOU DID, HUGHES.

I assumed the hockey game was part of the Canadian national anthem, and the fact that we Americans played it at all was a subtle jab at the idea of Canadian "identity" in the first place.

Weird little New Zealand science fiction movie from the 80s called The Quiet Earth. Riveting take on the last-man-left-alive story, that builds nicely to some decent science and moral stuff. The ending is kind of a crusher, and I wish to hell they hadn't started running the credits over the final shot. That's a movie

When do I shake it all about?

I've made and enjoyed all kinds of really nice, really palatable mac and cheese recipes. But what I keep coming back to is this gut-bomb potion I developed in my college days (and no, I wasn't a stoner, just a broke guy powering through a senior thesis):

Well, of course. Every food in Britain has to be beige in some way.
