
We must be diligent in our ongoing search for reasons why "Susudio" became a hit, so we may vouchsafe a future where such atrocities never happen again.

How many episodes until they reveal where on her body her gem is located, I wonder?

Have we all just forgotten about Homestuck?

Oh, really? No real Elvis left? Then what's my $100K investment for an Elvis Clonery actually funding, smart guy?!

There's a lot of love for that show among the commentators for TV Club's other animated shows. You're not alone.

Bird up.

Wow, two opportunities from the AV Commentariat to avow my love for Gentle Giant in one week? An unexpected pleasure!

I was actually going to say Negativland too, but since O'Neal covered it, I guess the other music-related I like which gets the most "but why?" reaction from folks would have to be Fiery Furnaces' "Rehearsing My Choir" album, which I still put among their best.

Given this is the AV Club, I'm surprised that nobody here has yet made a Simpsons reference. I mean, one of the songs is "Die Nazi, Die" for goodness' sake!

Oh come on, when did Gentle Giant become uncool?

So's dick, but I caught the reference.

Corporal Frank Warholic?!?

To clarify, I actually like the nihilism this show delivers. I think that's one of the reasons why the ludicrous science stuff is able to keep from spilling over into unchecked silliness. It's emotionally honest about itself, and it doesn't shy away from examining the repercussions of a character this smart, this

That's some quality dipshittery there.

I agree with basically everything you say here, but is "you're being a pacifist" the best phrasing? You can be outspoken and work to marginalize hate-groups and their members without giving up a desire to oppose militarism and violence. I would have said "you're being complicit." Maybe even "you're being a coward,"

You can't dictate a press statement with your mouth full, bent over double.

Also fucking noteworthy: the first full minute of this way-too-late attempt to recast himself as a protector of unity wasn't about hate, racism, Charlottesville, violence, justice, or anything to do with the weekend's events at all. It was him acting as self-fluffer about the economic panels he was about to attend and

My Favorite Year is a wonderful movie, and noteworthy as it was the movie which required my mother to explain to me what "Did ya schtupp her?" meant.

It can be two thingies.

Only Connect is the first British game show I have enjoyed as much as my favorite American game shows, and my discovery of it led to the first YouTube channel I ever subscribed to (the one you linked, although there is another channel uploading episodes a day earlier than Wheels now.)