
Understood. Thanks for being a cool dude.

Hey, if you're going to appeal to authority, you should be willing to accept your own lack of knowledge of that same authority, shouldn't you? I mean, that's cherry-picking, otherwise.

Even if it feels the mouth? I was born and raised in New England, and that's a phrase I don't recognize.

Nah, it's not, you're right.


See? You can embrace newer parlance pretty easily too!

"Prohibits" how?

There was a touch of this discussion brought up way back when The Crying Game was in contention for a few Oscars, but the conversation and the distinctions it drew were not nearly as refined or sophisticated as it's become in the interim. Additionally, as subtle as it may be, I think there's some value in remembering

They're a Grrrrrrrray area!

I assume you mean the only good mass-produced cola. Because there are a lot of smaller brands that make a cola which will blow your ass away. Fentiman's Curiosity Cola is the pinnacle for me. (And they're a relatively large brand, but you know what I'm saying, hopefully.)

Dammit, I was thinking of the wrong cherished childhood toy.

Has there been any evidence that the people who he lied to throughout the campaign (those who wound up voting for him, that is. I'm aware he lied to everyone.) are waking up to the fact that he's acting against their best interests, and not following through on the things he said he was going to do for them? His

I want you to re-read what you typed here, then try to go through it logically. There's no rational through-point for it. Absolutely zero fans of Rick and Morty now consider the entirety of Szechuan cuisine to be "co-opted and subsumed" into that one dipping sauce mentioned on the show over the weekend.

I think you'll have to spell it out.

I understand they've got some sort of downstairs mix-up there…

I'm just excited that a super talented gal from my past appears in this trailer. She's one of the most driven and funny people I ever had the privilege to work with back when I still performed regularly, and this is her first stint in a real bigtime television production. Seeing her in this made me so happy.

I'm pretty sure Trump's tweeted that a few of these are failing, though.

There are reasons websites like Fiverr exist, y'know.

I was really unprepared for how the show stumbled in the wake of Pen Ward's departure as showrunner. It seemed the strength AT had in giving boarders and writers freedom to explore a rich universe became its biggest liability when it lost its cohesive center. The show began to meander, rather than adventure. It does

There's a petition for the return of the sauce. And we all know the influence that website has on the cultural zeitgeist.