
Genius. And when they do, we all know Rick and Morty will be the real reason it returned.

Honestly, there are only a couple of Season 2 episodes that sagged below A- level for me. Every other episode of this show has been smart, snappy, fearless, and unimaginably great. For a while it seemed like it would never have a less-than-awesome episode. I don't know of many shows that have a track record like this

An entry into the pantheon of funniest episodes this show's made? No, but it sizzled with ferocious creativity and had a darkness that I just ate up with a fuckin' spoon.


Before tonight, we assumed we had to wait eight months for this episode. Count your blessings.

Underrated post.

Some other thread, I'm sure.

…The Aristocrats?

Can't blame you there. Those lines in that song probably have intense personal meaning to three out of seven people who ever hear them.

I don't follow music blogs like I used to, and had no idea this was even happening. Happiest surprise of the week. And this song is really great, like they haven't missed a damn step together. When I saw them after You Forgot It in People dropped, in a smallish Minneapolis bar (made even smaller by their imposing size

Sorry, my calendar's already full. Are you free on April 6th?

Seems like Trump's flailing (which is probably a common state of being for the man) and trying out different targets to attack in his Twitter dojo now that the initial ObamacareObamabomb bombed. First he tried to pin it on the Dems, and that didn't seem to stick. Also, he went covert-AntiRyan with his uncompensated

Wysol's also Elmer Fudd's favorite household cleaning product.

Sad to hear about how he died behind the wheel.

What's TIF?
Who's Iffy?
What's going on?
Where am I?

Good luck with that, then.

I'd go so far as to add "species" to that list of qualifiers.

I wish I could spend more time around here. I don't even which are the most active troll accounts anymore.

I defied you, and all I found was Google suggesting I'd misspelled Dirigisme. Is that something secretly horrible?

"Sweetie, what are you doing down there with the lights off?"