
"A libertarian would argue" is really all anyone needs to type in response to…anything.

Take a Klondike bar from the pop machine. Hey, it's ice cream. No, not Coke.

There are a ton of songs from S1TV that I still remember, but the one that seems to come up in my brain the most is the absolute worst one they wrote. That horrible one about fractions.

Hang on, nearly there.

I was in…middle school, I think?…when Square One TV was on. Mathnet was probably my favorite thing back then. I would reluctantly wait through the rest of the (admittedly entertaining) front-half of that show, allowing myself to learn mathematics, in order to watch those six minutes chunks of deadpan silliness. Great

Sweetberry wine.

They noted that he worked with Paul Thomas Anderson, but could have simply pointed out that his performance in Magnolia proved him to be a genius, and there wouldn't need to be anything more to say. Goddamn right he should've been number one.

I think you mean "Rather. Linse. Lepeat."

I'll wait for the collab with Chance the Rapper.

I know that's a typo, and I know it's wrong to be crass or giggle like a dumb schoolkid about body parts…but… 4D "chest"??

It takes a gathering of real artists to unleash profanity the way it's done here. That's a credit to the writing, filmmaking, and the acting of all involved (especially McDormand). We're talking Sam Jackson-levels of artistic swearing here.

I think you meant "it can be two things."

God, Michael Clayton was that year too…that one snuck up on me and became a favorite of mine.

Now I want there to be a movie called "No Country Be Blood."

I was only born one year. What does that say about me?

El and I haven't spent much time together lately.

It's ridiculous how well their flows compliment each other.

Nice subtle nod in there to Dr. Strangelove. Last thing I figured I'd see in a RTJ video.

That "Popsicle Twins" controversy was so exaggerated. So they weren't really twins, so what?

Way instain Mar-a-Lago.