
Maybe that's not where you should be looking for his firm.

"…remembering games and daisy chains and laughs/got to keep the loonies on the path"

Now I'm Pruneface! Take that, Dick Tracy!

You use THAT Disqus name and you went with Snow Crash's technovirus over Infinite Jest's entertainment?

The risk of filtering out quality tweets about peanut butter is just too great.

Steve Bannon's diseased dick? Talk about a Meatnado!

Uh…did you not pick up on all the backstory between Toffee and Moon? Or the fact that Toffee's been manipulating and guiding Ludo this whole time, via the wand?

Moon has had a hell of a breakout season, but the character that's shined most for me is Glossaryk. They've really fleshed out his role, especially compared to what he was given in the first season. And Ludo…well, c'mon. Can't sleep on him.

Did they give a reason for their change in comment style?

Since both Star and SU are on some form of hiatus, I need to figure out something to watch. I might go back and gorge myself on Gumball, since I've enjoyed just about every episode I've caught, but it never felt like something that required ongoing attention.

The second season is on a whole other level of enjoyment. Honestly, I love the direction they've taken the show in.

Just saw this one yesterday:

Your one-year-old watches Tim and Eric??

It really is, but that's no reason not to enjoy it for the first time right now.

Ahhh, very good return to form after two episodes in a row that were uncharacteristically unsatisfying. Especially since it set the stage for something that I've been hoping to see for a while (and one of the reasons the previous episodes didn't grab me): the necessity for Steven to realize his boundless faith and

Squidbillies. You're already going to get tons of people rolling their eyes at you if you say you really enjoy an Adult Swim show that isn't Rick and Morty or The Venture Bros. And then there are those folks who insist you can only enjoy that network if you watch while you're completely stoned (which I do not). Plus

People must have extra venom built up from their hatred for Mumford and Sons/Lumineers, and they just lash out at anything vaguely folk-inspired, so it doesn't turn their bloodstreams septic. That's the only explanation I can come up with for how someone could mistake Fleet Foxes for "flannel clad folksy Gap ambient"

It's real, it's pretty.

I love sides one and two, but by the end of the second song I'm pretty much all set, and I never get around to that other disc. (I still own it on vinyl.)