
A little bleu cheese dressing?

You really tend to get hostile and graphic without provocation, you know? Maybe could you tone that down? It's unsettling.

Tolerant pizza, left gems.

So many acronyms!

I didn't really enjoy this episode much. Ronaldo isn't a character I enjoy seeing onscreen very much, and the boundless optimism and faith Steven has in everyone is wasted on folks like him, frankly. It really does feel like Ronaldo doesn't learn. Maybe that's part of the point of the character. Okay, fine, but it's

Honestly, you don't have to worry about the whole "screaming Lauren Zuke off of twitter" thing anymore. There's a whole new sad, ugly, depressing, unverified thing going on between Lauren Zuke and the Crew/Fandom.

The "fanartist" thing was not organized by antis on 4chan. At least, not the part that led to the haranguing of a particular Tumblr fan-artist to the point of suicidal actions. There was a different, ugly, sickening fan-art related troll effort enacted by 4chan you might be thinking of.

I've been waiting for Night in the Woods for a while now, so when it was released on Tuesday I dove right in. I was absolutely enthralled by the world and how it jumped so easily between somewhat lighter elements (visuals, side-games and such) and the deeper stuff (like the well-realized characters, charming and

You're right, my mistake.

The newspaper Jon/Garfield/Odie are reading says as much.

The shampoo one is in a whole different arena, if you ask me. And the affiliated website exists. (As do the YouTube channels for lazycat619 and darthmauldog1125.)

It not only outdoes everything Lasagna Cat did in its first incarnation, it pretty much outdoes everything that legendary Internet surreal humor has done ever.

If the "nose" grows each time he lies, it would explain his propensity to spew so much nonsense whenever there's a microphone nearby.

So what is "souse" Swedish for?

Okay, that was good…but it wasn't Budd Dwyer good….

Forthcoming. I still need to get past my reluctance to touch bleaching agents and intimate body parts in the same hour.

Or as they call it, "one forsooth."


You've only ever really needed two fingers out of ten where Maher's concerned anyway.

Damn, a very bad part of me wishes I had gotten here in time to know who this was and what was said.