
I like them hard core.

Mmmm….porn apples!

I can't spell it all out for you, but let's just say Odie's not as naive as he appears.

In today's fast-moving Internet economy, premature ejaculation is pretty much a necessity.

I'm already finished. *Zips up brain-pants*


All this, and the imminent return of Fatal Farm's Lasagna Cat as well.

Considering how his first month has gone, it feels like we're already paying him not to be president.

I somehow managed to backpedal my way into becoming a Star Vs. fan, and the second season has been pretty damned impressive. Looking forward to seeing how the month/season plays out.

Under what conditions would Waters need to release an album such that it wouldn't trip these signals for you?

Pretty sure that when you start a statement with LOL, it renders anything after that unserious and instantly dismissible.

The reactions of my partner (who is the canniest person I know) when I share these things with them has gone from "that's hilarious" to "that's ridiculous" to "that's ludicrous" to "that's gross."


I don't know of a presidency that's produced as much incredible ANYTHING in such a short time, aside from positive change. But you'd be hard pressed to find a presidency that successfully produced and enacted a positive, embraced, successful policy in this short span. Presidencies are built to work over the span of

Never asks for a felching, never tells who was felched.

Nothing, really. Lots of other world leaders have felt at their most comfortable when they've been surrounded by admirers yelling "heil, heil."

This is the most nauseatingly dishonest sort of push-polling I've seen in quite some time. It's even more disgusting that it's being solicited outside of an election cycle, because there's no way to defend it as anything besides an attempt to coerce a specific response from whoever takes it so they can point to a

Be that as it may, your original statement sounded like some kind of "gotcha" call-out against folks who don't want to engage with Neo-Nazis, but donate to the ACLU, an organization which has. Might want to reconsider how you phrased that.

The role and purpose of the ACLU is to defend the rights granted to all Americans in the Constitution. Which is a very different thing than engaging with hateful people in a comment section of a website, for any number of reasons. Conflating the two things is a little shaky, logically. (I mean, I assume you're

I assume you're talking about the Fry Guys.