
Damn right it is!

If he had survived, he could've written quite the snarky food blog and named it Whittels' Vittles. It would have drawn a chuckle from me each time I visited the site.

Also known as "The Cincinnati Yes"

Your national food has "poot" right in the name. So maybe reconsider that presumed vantage.

Hey, shut yer clam pie.

Crone daddies.

Dear dear!

Lisa needs braces?

You're not supposed to open them right. They're left-handed.

Could be a lost-in-translation sort of thing. Maybe "plenty of semen" is a Tuscan colloquialism along the lines of "got it goin' on."

I used to absolutely live for Larks' Tongues in Aspic. From that trippy-ass, meandering opening freakout jam through to the screeching of the harpy devils in the crunchy guitar closer, I thought it was some blasted work of genius that pressed through a membrane to another universe, and it had no equal.

Buggy bumpers.

Sometimes I think the show makes Steven's overt emotionalism too overt. Just a few phrases of his big speech could've sufficed to let the audience know what he was feeling, and helped that struggle to reach the control pad match the struggle he was going through inside. It would have made the scene that much more

Even though the credit sequence lists the storyboarders as Florido and Zuke, this episode was actually storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee and Paul Villeco.


Once you go rock, you never go bock.

Panalquin for the win.

I remember when I was 12 and I first discovered my squeedlyspooch. That was a fun weekend.

Add something about what kind of show you'd prefer it to be, and you're right on target.

Well, hey, not that it matters now, but it wasn't really a leak. Not in the strictest sense. CN put the bomb up early on its mobile app way back at the beginning of the year, for a tiny window of time. Of course they got ripped and redistributed by other folks.