
Not getting cancelled, really. Ending. On its own terms, for the most part.

Thank you.

Does the UK not know about folks who believe they themselves are God?

So insane. Ask anyone, it's just the most insane ever. Sad.

Can I ask where you've seen this? I kinda sorta want to know what the greater public thinks about all this (and kinda sorta don't give a shit, since I know it's vomitous bullshit regardless of how others feel about it). But hell, I'm curious.

Sheesh, it wasn't long ago that Adventure Time was removed from the TV Club review slate entirely. Pretty sure they reviewed "Stakes" the same way.

You keep eating Five Guys, eventually you'll run out of guys. It's just logic.

Dough and duh. A female deer.

That's some fine one-handed typing there, sir.

Control yourself.

So you're saying they've kilt the job market?

I'm praying there'll be some push to get this thing rebroadcast onto an Internet stream or a podcast or something. After the fact, in digest form, even. I dunno. I can't see myself subscribing either, but I want to listen to this quite a lot.

Yeah, unlike that yankee James Corden.

Honestly, I think Shia is a guy who has some very good intentions, incredibly audacious impulses, and horrible, horrible follow-through. The one thing he's done that I believe was really unforgivable (and for which he never really genuinely apologized, if you ask me) was shamelessly rip off Daniel Clowes for that

Can't you read? He's gowing itha flo.

He doesn't Shia way from a challenge.

It's the seasoning that pairs best with bae leaves.

How about an august new release from Cake Like?

That, and young tigers are deliciously succulent.

You can like something and still set it on fire.