
I actually watched two episodes online. I had heard about the links between the creators and the alty-righty crowd, but decided maybe the humor counterbalanced it.

The self-feeding beast that is this (and other) conspiracies are already sharpening their excuses as to why this little incident does nothing to undermine their greater theories/fears/proof that all liberals are perverts who will destroy children with pizza-restaurant-based-prostitution-dungeons:

Thank god you found something objectionable about this story to discuss.

I think this year, my sanity was saved by Paul F. Tompkins. I took a deep dive, swimming through the entire backlog of The Thrilling Adventure Hour and Dead Authors Podcasts (after having gone through the entirety of Superego a year ago), and essentially lived for Mondays when a new episode of Spontaneanation would

Ginger beer isn't my bubbly soft drink of choice…in fact it's not in the top five or so flavor-slots, but I welcome this Gateway if it means more niche soda flavors will get investigated and allow us to wax effervescent in the comments about the stuff we guzzle.

I'd watch TV's Laundry Hamper.

No, it's actually ironic.

He of the occasionally transforming Disqus name. (Or she, I suppose, shouldn't presume.)

Who's our resident AJ fan?

Not because it tastes bad, but because of the cardiological risks it poses. When you eat it, you feel your heart going boom boom boom.

Thousands of vets had already arrived there over the weekend, in fact, because local authorities were preparing to increase pressure to remove protesters from a specific area of their encampment. So things were definitely bubbling. Things are not de-escalating entirely just yet. Until all the details are ironed out

Could be as long as eight years, but we're all praying it's just four.

Both of which benefit from the addition of whipped topping.


Instead of the Last of us, there's still twenty left of us. Big stretch for a poor joke, I admit.

Right, everything YOU see suggests YOUR interpretation will be upheld. I might agree, if what I saw matched how you saw it. I don't share your interpretation, it seems, of the trailer or of how the first game ended. I'm also gracious enough to say that I can see how both can be interpreted differently by different

"Kiddo" could just be the name they're both used to after the experiences they've had, without really speaking to their current relationship. But I can see how it too is open to interpretation.

From what little I've heard, they've been working at a sequel longer than it may seem, because they've wanted the story they work into a game to be up to a certain standard. At least a couple of times, they've gotten quite a way into the crafting of the story before scrapping it all and starting over. I'm sure that's

So you're gonna be waiting to pick up a copy until The Last Second of Us.

There's still something like twenty left of us for you?