
Also known as Bumping Ugliests.

I don't see why the trailer suggests that Ellie and Joel are on "friendly" terms. The interaction there leaves room for ambiguity, I'd say. Obviously they're still in one another's lives, but that was bound to happen given the circumstances at the end of the first game. Aside from that, nothing in the trailer seems

I need to hear that song again, obviously, because when I heard "Redbone" on the radio for the first time, it sounded like Donald Glover doing an imitation of Ween doing an imitation of Prince. Not enjoyable.

Terribly sorry, sir, I couldn't hear you. Could you try speaking in a lower register?

Wild, unfounded prediction time: Sadie's mom!

It's going to have to be a full album pick for me too. Nothing could match how unprepared I was for the music and sounds that entered my ears the first time I listened to "Stars on ESP" by His Name is Alive for the first time. It's always going to be one of my personal favorite albums, but it will never be as

Like every member of the regular cast of that show, he was essential.

"What is witnit?!"

I actually drew up a list recently of the deaths this year that had an effect on my own pop/political cultural radar. Adding Mr. Sachs brings it up to 59 names.

I was literally quoting this scene to myself a few days ago. It's a masterpiece of comic writing and ludicrous exaggeration. That's dialogue full of snark decades before "snarky dialogue" was something people enjoyed or derided, and nobody would really consider it snarky today.

Human or Gem?

I don't know if it's stasis so much as their usual time-context being one of hundreds/thousands of years compared to a human lifespan. It's still change to them, radical change becoming a perma-fusion or ditching a life of defined servitude to defend a planet from destruction. But those events happened over centuries.

Not exactly the sort of "come to Jesus" I had in mind.

It'll be at least fourteen years before Pearl starts to listen to any kind of aggressive music.

Thought, or hoped?

Regarding Rose reforming…

Lovely review, Eric, and lovely episode too (one of the I-liked-it-just-a-bit-more-than-the-reviewer-did eps). But one important point I think didn't get called out enough: The observation that back then, "changing and growing" didn't come naturally to the gems. But now, changing and growing happens all the time as

According to that video (yes, I watched some of it), Pence had his literal-come-to-Jesus moment during a specific night during the spring of his freshman year in college. I wonder what had gone on in the days/weeks/months before that night that made him give himself up to Jesus, or become born again, or go all

I'm Lovin' Death

Also, the original name for Hootie and the Blowfish.