
The three main female adult figures in Steven Universe's life all fulfill familial roles with him that aren't exactly set in stone, but tend to hew to recognizable archetypes. Pearl and Garnet are both very parental, so they get "mom" attached to them quite often.

Hey, no need to apologize. After all, the first word of the theme is "We…"

It's cos the world keeps making "gayer and gayer" normaler and normaler. And Steven Universe is just helping that process along (despite current minor setbacks/hiccups). SU is truly a show perfect for its time.

I'm in. If I can remember.

Not ever? Not even as an end product?

Corn chip nail tips fun.

I am choosing to believe that you progress through all four steps in your second sentence with each individual pepperoncini before popping it in your mouth all by itself: In an oven to bake, then into a microwave to heat, then on a chip, then removed to go on a pizza, and then picked off to go onto your tongue.

Shame is a great motivator.

Ketchup on Macaroni and Cheese: not only is it common enough to not be considered shameful…it's also an amateur move nowadays.

Ask the reviewers, maybe.

Well, like I said, I didn't say anything about liking or not liking Andy as a character. I hope you won't jump to conclusions like that in the future.

I liked the review, so you assumed I thought Andy was unlikable?

I didn't say anything about Andy being likable or unlikable, so I don't really know what you're picking up on from my comment.


He didn't though. He gave himself Universe as a stage name initially, then legally changed it for himself. Steven took Quartz from his mom and Universe from his dad.

I really liked a lot of what you said in your review, Eric, especially what you said about the unlikeliness of Andy's quick turn-around from grumpy prejudiced crank to somewhat more open-minded fella toward the end. It might have felt more genuine if the episode had ended with Andy just flying away (or flying away and

I kept waiting for someone to say "Gentlemen. BEHOLD!…….CORN!"

"A," eh, Dowd?

I only wish they'd return to making bizarrely funny things more regularly.

If they're going to try to include them, they'd better get bizzy.