
Pogo is very interesting, if you have some kind of working knowledge of the lower-level politics of the time it was being created.

That's unfortunate.

I have no solid facts to back it up, but I'd assume the decision to go one show a week was entirely TBS's at the outset.

Her show was on twice last week, and she handled it really, really well. Especially when you consider there was a one-day turn-around, and it was after one of the biggest media-elite bubble-burst stories in memory, and also probably wound up stunning her entire staff for a good ten hours or so. I don't see why Bee

Conservatives only fuck the cousins who already share their political views.

I found this film enjoyable. I laughed plenty of times, at more than a few scenes.

Jesus, enough with this already, 2016.


I doubt it. But weirder things have happened involving The Purple Yoda.

Firesign Theatre, not Fireside. They were/are an aural comedy troupe mostly affiliated with the 70s who had a free-form radio show that was mainly improvised, but who created very tightly scripted, deeply layered radio "plays" put out on LP. Lots of self-referential jokes and of-the-times satire, but it's still funny

I'm gonna start using "oynu oynu oynu" in regular conversation from now on.


I genuinely fear that during the last couple weeks of December, 2016's gonna reach into its jacket lining and pull out Frommamber and Gontuary, the two forgotten months, and keep us in woe even longer.

Crap, wish I'd seen your comment before I coughed out my own. You basically said what I tried to say.

Unmistakably Tribe, and unmistakably great. But what impresses me is how different it sounds too. Eighteen years between albums as a group, but they didn't sleep on any of those years, and this album's sound is huge. It could've been a bunch of jazzy boom-bap tracks with Phife and Tip trading verses, and I could still

Not only did John write a wonderful essay this week, but the interruption of its usual format provided us, as regular readers, with a fantastic coming-together moment. So, let's all join hands, scroll back up the the Kansas City/Carolina prediction, and sweetly, quietly sing "The Safety Dance" together.

I'm just five songs in. The places they're going on this album blow my mind. Unreal.

Glad I could share.

My partner and I were discussing the potential of the old flee to Canada/Norway option, and actually pondering it sorta seriously. But then I told her that the thing that I kept coming back to was what would Steven Universe think of such a move?

Check out the beard on Jedediah.