
I still remember when, post-Obama's first victory, talking heads on Fox were all pissy about how we can't continue to claim racism is a big issue in this country anymore. I knew then it was just their code for "NOW can you all stop whining and let us get back to the business of being WHITE and MALE again??"

Wait, when did you get your hair done??

"Swipe right" and "swipe left" just got a whole lot more meaningful.

"33 God" is about Trump, then?

AVQ&A is an opinion feature on a non-hard-news website. Never pretended to be anything else.

Something something beef strokin'-off.

That's a Lollipop Guild I'd consider joining.

There are so many functional, happy, thriving couples right now who actively and successfully navigate a relationship with an element that would garner a "_____ just seems wrong and unsustainable in a loving, trusting relationship" reaction from folks on the outside looking in.

Ted Leo must be a goldmine for that game. In just one song alone ("Ballad of the Sin Eater") you get fungible, abjure, forebears, forbearance, Kigali and Novi-Sad.

Who knows when you "really" understand death anyway? At seven, you comprehend life differently than you do when you're older; it's reasonable to think you'd comprehend death differently. But it's probably analogously devastating.

When confronted with fire, jump on in.
13. The Waldo Moment
12. Playtest
11. Nosedive
10. White Bear
9. White Christmas
8. Men Against Fire
7. Hated in the Nation
6. 15 Million Merits
5. San Junipero
4. Shut Up and Dance
3. Be Right Back
2. The National Anthem
1. The Entire History of You

I'm still scratching my head over this as well. It seems to me like most of the individual assessments for each episode have been off in comparison to my experience with them. San Junipero being the sole exception (and I'm not as over-the-moon about it as most).

No, it is Exeter in the original as well.

Can't…or won't?

I'm addicted to Only connect. I'd love for someone to make an American version, but it'd probably wind up far too snarky or something.

I also saw his sister's use of his laptop as establishing Kenny's spinelessness and non-confrontational nature as a character. Essential to show just why he'd go into near-panic at the (presumed) threat of being outed as a masturbator.

I didn't have a hard time understanding his motivation at all. I had a hard time relating to it…in that if it were me, at that age, I probably would have said "fuck this," gone to the cops, faced the music, and stopped it all long before he had. But I felt like the way his character was set up (before the final

Wow. Wow. Okay.

Random observation: Maybe "BM" isn't the best abbreviation to use for…well…anything pop-culture related.

I think both were a bit off. What I expect from Black Mirror is something a lot more gut-punch and dark, and while the setting and situation of "Nosedive" was ooky and disquieting, the story itself played out pretty much the way you'd expect it might, almost bordering on preachy. That's not what I expect Black Mirror