
I always saw that argument as a means to decrease visibility of opposition. Kaepernick and other people tagged as "rich" folks are usually more media-visible than the thousands of others who would/do protest and get zero ESPN coverage for it. So if you can't be rich and have a valid opinion, there'll be less

Hey, Mr. Freshenmeyer, long-time reader, first-time commenter. A question: is that "To the mooooon" bit an homage to Strong Bad, as I suspect it may be? I'll hang up and listen.

See, I was all excited for the announced Brady stand-in, until I listened more closely. Okay, so it's not Janeane Garofalo who'll be suiting up this Sunday. But there's still time. Anyone know her agent's number?

I shall investigate!

It's really gorgeous. And sooooo sweet.

I just had to say that in addition to watching the episode about seven times today, I also watched/listened to the very end with the credits and the damn fine Mike Krol song at the end another dozen times or so.

You're not.

Ugh, the losses to the music world this year. RIP.

Even worse, may not be fun.

I just adore the fact that a good chunk of the fandom calls her "Sucrose."

There were so many perfect little touches in this episode, but I was especially tickled by Pearl's interaction with the apple juice can. Just like a millennia-old space rock to not quite get pop-tops, amirite?

All's right in the world, then.

Another reason why this episode was so freakin' fantastic: as soon as it ended, I realized that my copy of Rebecca Sugar's book The Answer had arrived at my place.

Oh my god…as much as I really REALLY thought the Mike Krol music hit the rebellious vibe on the nose in this ep…if they'd had a Pillows song running over the closing credits, I may have just exploded.

From the moment I finished this episode (ahem, hours before its official airing), I have been asking myself "well, I wonder how Sheltie is feeling about all this…."

Not enough representation of the chain outside of the west coast, I'm thinking.

I was all hyped up for Cincinnati style chili. It was a farce.

Okay, gonna rip off this good idea.

Thank you, Esther Zuckerman. It would never have crossed my mind to include the transcendent meal that is a Gray's Papaya special. I can't quite equate them with other types of "fast food" meals, even though it obviously meets most of the benchmarks. But somehow, a concoction so unapologetically New York Citian just