
The fact that Culver's satisfies my once-yearly craving for marshmallow custard shakes is enough to make the rest of their menu worth existing.

Cajun…and Dutch??

Agreed, but I keep it simple. Screw the egg; the compact biscuit dimensions throw off the ratio, and reveals just how flavorless McD's scrambled egg really is.

Hey, I'm an adult. I don't need to be told when, where, or into which orifice mayonnaise should or should not be applied.

Well, wait. who needs loose shit?

Are you suggesting Mr. Chang cannot and would not eat makeup? Because if so, I believe you don't know our Mr. Chang.

Man, talk about getting off on the wrong foot!

Now I'm picturing Kermit the Frog reciting this comment.

Don't blame me, I voted Der Raketemensch.

There's a theatre in Minneapolis that still does Friday and Saturday midnight showings. They're all pretty damn good fun, and well-attended.

It has a high threshold of comprehensibility.

Your comment was inevitable.

Don't call her Bobby, Whitney.

What the fuck are "oranges"?

Baldly Manipulative Job, Interne—aww…awwwwwww! He's goin' from spikeball to puffball 'cos of some apple!!

I'm glad I came back to this article and got to read this. I'm so happy SU helps individuals. I'm sure that's just what Rebecca Sugar hopes for.

I think he does much.

"I thought…violence…would be the answer."

You're definitely onto something there. The fact that gem fusions create an entirely separate entity is what allows them to approach a relationship as a continuous balance between two individuals, and it allows for a simple elegance that you just can't typically do with two-folks-who-are-partners.

Someone's gonna write a book about the humor of Garnet. Maybe me. Maybe I'm that someone.