
A couple of callbacks to Maximum Capacity, one of my favorite underrated episodes of the show! I guess Rose, being thousands of years old, IS ready for Greg's graphic novels.

Hey, if Jon Benjamin can make a career out of one voice…

This episode seems to have upset you quite a bit!

There was a pretty dumb as-seen-on-TV type ad for this kind of thing back in the 90s, wasn't there?

Someone needs to create studio-constructed teen-pop versions of Radiohead songs, replete with synth drums and auto-tuned vocals, and market it under the name "R-Head Boyz"

Your avatar matches the tone of this comment surprisingly well.

Not only is Peridot's twitter real, it updates in conjunction with the goings-on in the episode airings. Check out the tweets from earlier today, for example.

Also, what other options does Jasper have? She inherently distrusts (and is scornful toward) the Crystal Gems, and for all she knows Peridot went down with the hand-ship. Lapis is the only gem she knows for sure is on Earth that she CAN fuse with.

You're welcome. Good luck!

Snackbar?? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

What's this about stems from her ass? Y'mean her legs?

Part of it is that they keep on taking risks. We know they're a huge talented group that brings out the best in each other. They know they've got a world and characters that feel true and interesting. The fact that they don't rest on their laurels is part of why they keep succeeding.

Yeah, Lapis somehow flew back to Homeworld through the vacuum of space with wings made from water…so…

Eleven minutes, folks.

Okay, then it comes down to one's individual experience with the game. I thought you were making a more sweeping statement there.

Did nobody here play Stephen's Sausage Roll? Or did you play it and just not enjoy it?

To you, that's a cop-out?

I wouldn't agree that Braid was a clean resolution. I think it led you to one possible perspective for what the ending of it "meant," but you weren't supposed to read it as a literal explanation of what Tim had gone through. In fact if you were to say "So, Braid was really about Oppenheimer, right?" to Jonathan Blow,

Yeah, nothing ruined a song for me quite like that game has.

I disagree, if you take into consideration the final audio logs found deep in the mountain, as combined with the live-action clip at the end. It gives you more potential context with which to examine the process of the game, and to me that enriched the experience AND gave me a sense of "underlying story" that wasn't