
I got a drop top
And if I hit the switch
I can take Jm J Bullock to block

If that were true, wouldn't Seal's cheeks look unscarred?

Keep Beach City Virginal

I know that someone in the Crewniverse—might've even been Rebecca herself—mentioned something about how Steven's universe doesn't celebrate the same holidays in the same ways as we do. The implication for me was that stuff like Christmas and Passover don't hold the same cultural position there, and that gives me the

Cartoon Network themselves have been releasing official teasers and such for these episodes, you know. The first two minutes of tomorrow's episode is available to watch on YouTube. Cappa isn't saying anything most folks aren't aware of, and for those who don't know, it's something that happens early enough in the ep

I dunno, I don't recall the show taking on the subject of her reluctance to speak up for herself at the risk of letting down her twin sister. That was new, and it resonated with me because I had a similar approach to potential familial strife as Kiki did.

Steven's the only one in the temple who would wash his face in their sink.

Nice subtle addition of We Bare Bears there too.

Sure beats Muscles for Bones.

I'm starting to get feta-p with these puns.

To pull off a move like that, you've got to be pretty limberger.

Man, Eric and I are on different wavelengths when it comes to Beach Citizens episodes. Yesterday's felt a little flimsier than today's to me, maybe because the stakes were a little more personal for Steven, who is always going to be the emotional hub around which my love for the show rotates. It was a more in-depth

Gotta work on that gag reflex, Septon.

Especially if you pretend he's talking about Quiznos.

Is that how we're spelling Dawes now? Like they did with that "The VVitch" movie?

That's compelling. If he ever flips his glasses to the back of his head when he takes a bite out of something, I'll be convinced.

Goddammit, now I want boardwalk fries.

…and garlic? Or was the name just there to dissuade vampires?

Everything makes sense if you squint. That's why French Stewart is the most wise fellow in the western hemisphere.

I really hope whoever claimed that makes an effort to keep it fresh with content.