
That means I win pretty much every day.

It looked for a while like McKean might have some impact on the season's tone, too. I think it was the first show of the season that featured a fake commercial for a sports event of warring performance artists. McKean did a dead-on Spalding Gray at a desk in a boxing ring, opposite a manically pacing Eric Bogosian.

It's not what you think. Her paternal ancestry is a long line of pick-up artists.

So, "Wondermark!", essentially.

Influences gonna influence.

Fun fact: Before Scott Pilgrim was published, Ramona Flowers was going to be my porn name.

Perhaps go with a fixed number of Durutti Columns?

Dammit, two of the three Halo Benders albums are stone classics, I say! FITE MEE!!

When people use this phrase, I wonder if it means they have some imitation fuck saved up somewhere that they are more accustomed to. And they pull the actual fuck out for special occasions, like dinner guests who warrant using the good silverware.

But then we'd have to measure a film's remake-worthiness on how good or bad it is, which is entirely subjective, instead of the gender of the main cast, which is an inarguable element.

No no…it's putting the two together that was the true revolution.

Disappointed the video wasn't a lingering shot of latex replicas of Weezer naked?

Wait, wait…repeat??

We come on the JonJonB
My grandfather and me

And that's before we even approach the question of whether or not they in some way belonged to Bobby Brown.

I cannot think of a context in which Ninja Rap is not applicable. Ever.

At what value does money start whopping, anyway? And is it affected by inflation?

It doesn't matter how often you get knocked down as long as you keep getting up.

If I didn't make it clear in my initial response, I personally don't think the job could have been utter perfection to, well, anybody who considers themselves a real television journalist, or even journalist-adjacent. I'm just saying maybe she did, and it's not up to us to make that decision for her. I don't know at