
We didn't have to wait for the name to be Santorum'd.

Kenya? When did this become about Obama??

I thought you were joking. Oh sweet Jesus, I thought you were joking.

From what little I've heard, there were some attempts on her part to defuse the situation and bring it to the attention of people in higher positions of power…like Roger Ailes, for example. The results of which are a part of her current lawsuit.

They just know their audience, is all.

The only game I remember playing exclusively in cheat mode once I'd learned about it was Ghostbusters for the Commodore 64. Good ol' Mr. Ghostbuster and his inflated bank account.

It made sense in my brain for a moment.

I have absolutely no idea why I wrote this response. The one above, not this one.

Time may change you, but you can trace time.

And yet, I'm still bitter that the Bad Lip Reading folks seem to have ripped this off from Day Job Orchestra. Check me out, I'm obviously made of fish.

FLCL was, and remains, the only experience I've had with anime that was gripping and satisfying from beginning to end. The weirdness of it spoke to something I remember feeling about going through my adolescence, and the symbolism it employs was rich and subtle while also being fully formed and easy to grasp. And it

The previous album pretty much disproved that idea for me.

Amps gonna Am.

Jeff Mangum would gladly inform you that his dream girl don't exist.

Maybe they're doing this just to blow out Eric Thurm's mind.

This is a topic of endless debate among my friends who are fans. For me, the show started to turn at about "Frybo" and "Cat Fingers," but that may not be the best episodes to start with in order to get what the show's become. If all else fails, I say use "Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem" as a litmus test, and if those don't

I thought they kept the same voices from TT when they came up with TTG? Did Beast Boy just sound six years old all along?

Thanks, intern net!

My apologies. Ms.

Sounds like you're the one turning this into an either/or issue, not Rockatansky.