
Can you point out to me where Mr. Rockatansky said only fascists are the problem?

I wonder how many robots do.

All I'm saying is my drugs were stronger than your drugs.

Ahh, gotcha.

Neither did seasons 5-11 if you want to be technical.

Totally agree that Cerebus needs to have a cut-off point in order to get through it with some level of appreciation for Sim's artistry intact. But myself, I still push through the "Guys" storyline, despite it being where Sim's misogyny-creep truly starts to turn the storyline toxic. His experiments with form, panel

But then you miss out on the arguably-equally-fantastic-and-affecting "The Sting" in the final season!

I assume you were providing a distraction so an accomplice could grab a pic-a-nic basket?

I completely agree with you, and there are times when that focus does make me feel unwelcome in the culture, despite the fact that I've been a football fan longer than I've been a pop culture devotee. If I had my choice, the first thing that'd be changed about this part of the culture would be the goddamned beer

This is exactly the kind of pat response that the above article is referencing. If you want to make a point about how sports fandom is the analog of watching a ping-pong game at a rec center, then make an actual case for it.

The thing that bugs me most about the "sportsball" thing is that I'm pretty sure it grew out of a specific kind of geek culture-centric perspective on how much sports dominated the cultural conversation before the advent of the Internet and the rise of pop culture fandom. And as a sports fan AND a geek, that always

No weirder than vore-related microphilia. Maybe a little less attainable, though.

Your Mother And I Are Starting To Become Worried About Your Preoccupation With The Macabre, And So We're Going To Have A Family Talk With A Nice Doctor About It Next Monday, Internet

I can see why the single-play element would be a big let-down, but I can't understand how that makes Limbo "crap."

Whenever a Coen Brothers movie is discussed—online or in person or whatever—I always want to immediately see whatever film is mentioned. Even their minor works/arguable failures. I don't think there's any other director whose work has that effect on me for EVERY movie they've put out. (Maybe Kubrick. Maybe.)

It's only "ew"-worthy if the incest doesn't involve Disney Princesses. Or Disney fraternal siblings in a creepy Pacific Northwest town. Or transient evil-fighting brothers who operate out of their classic automobile. That's what the Internet has taught me.

Have The Drugs Kicked In Yet, Internet?

A cartoonist, not The cartoonist. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated that Jon Arbuckle was supposed to be (or even directly represent) the fellow who made the Garfield strips day to day.

Dry cleaners HATE this man!

I can't figure out why you want to kill squid.