
There are some people who spend $3,000 per day on coke.

I could be happy the rest of my life
With a vinegar girl.

Darn, that's the end.

Shaq's traveling.

Thanks for the consistently excellent job reviewing and analyzing the episodes of this show, Oliver. It must've been an interesting perspective from which to watch the show grow, change, expand, and refocus over five-or-so seasons. It's been a fun ride.

Based on what Adam Muto tweeted earlier today, I do believe you're correct.

Memory-Wipes, perhaps.

Perfect, except you forgot the part where you scrape the Cheeto dust off with your fingernails and snort a line of it during the insertion process.

As someone who can't spell kilzloan it seems okay.

And the open-world of HZD is yuge. Compared to it, Skyrim is a joke, everybody knows that.

If her Canadian heritage has something to do with it, wouldn't her grade be an eh-plus?

Is it just your mind you want us to suck?

You seem pretty upset.

Okay! I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything more rational or substantive in what you said beyond "AVC likes this a lot therefore it's going to end up being pretty bad."

You know nothing about lesbian sex. Precise timing is essential.

In Soviet Russia, out makes you!

Carry on, Carrie on Janet

Can you imagine how tiny a fish's monocle must be?!

Windows only?? Mother FUCK!!

I'm in the same boat as you, but the advance hype is such that I've decided to spring for the game on Steam and play it on my laptop. There's no way I can avoid spoilers until a PS4 release.