
See, I like it when there's an element of must-not-spoil to the lead-up to a game (and not just because of a review embargo). That element of anticipation really works for me, especially when it comes to puzzle-platformer types of games, and especially especially if the pedigree of a game like Limbo is behind it.

Incidentally, Nick Wanserski, I'm guessing you meant either Mister Heartbreak or Home of the Brave, instead of Sharkey's Day. Just sayin'.

From the first minutes of the beginning of Rushmore, I knew Wes Anderson's visual and narrative style was speaking directly to me. (Going back to watch Bottle Rocket confirmed this, and everything since has lined up just right.)

They must get a huge discount on rent.

Nope, I'm not. Spell it out for me.

But you can't deny that once we started actually applying things like skilled exposition and engaging emotional performance, the stories and the experience got a lot more thrilling. It's one thing to have strong opinions about what does or doesn't work in a successful performance for a given medium. Reducing it to

Yeah, I got that AV Club writers like Hamilton, but why does that lead you to suspect the show isn't very good?

Now I'm imagining the cast of Hamilton doing that cheesy dance from the REM video and I don't know what to believe anymore.

I don't understand your logic here.

What?! Oh, come on, St. Rumpterfrabble. Why you always gotta be St. Rumpterfrabblin'?

My mother managed to snag tickets close to the beginning of the Broadway run. Happened to be the Saturday matinee, so Munoz played the title role; she said it didn't lessen the energy or impact in any way she could tell.

My folks had me listening to the OST back when I was 8 or 9. But to be fair, we were a "theatre" family (with all that the British spelling implies). And they were/are frickin' Sondheim fanatics.

And The Heartbreakers. That band has a guy who totally sounds like Tom Petty and even calls himself Tom Petty. Sheesh.

"Houses of the Holy (Crap Our Songs Are Rather Similar to Those of Other Artists, I Wonder if We'll Get in Trouble for that Several Decades Later)"

And his dick cries crocodile tears.

Your dickdar seems to be working fine.

There are times when Wavers feels like it's my favorite album of theirs. Just a raw blueprint for the rest of their career with all the ambition and talent covered up by a sheen of scratchiness. "Shameful Dread" and "Three Years Ago Today" are as essential as "Fuckup," and getting lost in the twisty repeated melody of

Your comment made me tremble as though I were discovering a perfect palindrome.

Ugh, and the male gaze strikes again.

Why else would people say "put 'em on the glass"?