
Oh great, now we won't see them again until 2060.

The video reminds me of Upstream Color.

I couldn't get past the words "Cute Little" in the tittle without an involuntary tremor.

Every week on STRONG.

I've seen it twelve times or more…hell, I can just see it after I type this comment (and I will). But I am still so fucking ready.

Magnolia. I cried, I think, five separate times during the movie, and one more time sitting in my car right afterwards. Big, blubbery sobs. It didn't help that I saw it in the theatre alone, not one week after a MAJOR romantic break-up.

If anyone goes through this movie to illustrate all the potential environmental puzzles you could find within it, it'd be the biggest, most drawn-out single joke mash-up ever. But I'd still chuckle about it.

Not "no one." "No-one," with a hyphen. I believe you don't have an understanding of how huge that No-one motherfucker really is.

That must be a huge watch. How does your wrist not break?

Man, I don't know what to make of this. I've enjoyed Plimpton's work quite a bit, even if his "feature films" really didn't seem much more than a bunch of short films glued together by whisper-thin plot moments. As enjoyable as his stuff is, it's most effective in bite-sized chunks. So even before knowing the premise,

Comment/user-name synergy ahoy!

Sounds to me like you're doing things correctly.

Oh god…an aloof Lapis Lazuli in a Japanese schoolgirl outfit.

I gasped audibly at that moment. AUDIBLY. I never gasp audibly!

Oh hell yeah. You got this.

Don't blame yourself. That final tomorrow will ALWAYS be there. But you can only watch two more leaked episodes right away once.

The only one I really care about is Stevonnie.

…why would any of it be cut?

We're gonna wind up collectively writing the song "Fifty Ways to Leave your Lapis," aren't we?

The sweetness and cuteness in this next episode alone is at eye-blinding levels. And…and…gah, no spoilers, Prestidigititis, no spoilers.