
The casual ambient-sound production, along with the brevity of each song and its focus on one compelling basic melody throughout, proves that Robert Pollard can write a fantastic pop gem no matter what era.

Oh, lord, please. Don't let him be misunderstood.

A rabbit that rides in a hrududu?!

I still hear "vat for helpp me" in my head every once in a while.

Just wait'll the cute coyote stars coming around.

The Middle School I attended taught this book to one of the 7th grade English classes every year as this huge five-month lesson plan. Not only did they all read the book, they then saw the movie, performed scripted scenes from the novel in class, and then staged a huge weeks-long "campaign" to vote on which rabbit

Has this been the subject of an AVQ&A yet? Things that scared your younger self shitless?


"Fuck/Marry/Kill/Skip" would make the game more accommodating, and expand it to include more subjects.

Busy, eh? I guess the time of your hands wasn't enough.

Interestingly enough, "Oh long John/Oh long Johnson" could be mistaken for a Black Francis lyric.

Yes, some people surely was.

Fun fact: "HRC" in a serif font looks a lot like "IIRC," which makes for some moderately confusing Internet speed-reading.

The two cutest gems having a growly face-off against one another? Oh, you better believe I'm excited.

If you compared show quality over time, the line grids of the two shows would be comparable. You get the sense that SU has its eye on a real years-long plot arc, rather than AT's method of expanding the mythology as new and interesting ideas come to the crew.

Yeah, and jeez, Frybo wasn't long after.

Isn't that technically what cleavage is?

For me, the best part is that this announcement doesn't seem to be a replacement for the previously-reported Summer Of Steven event.

Cat Fingers was an early indication of how creepy this show was prepared to get.