
I'll have to look into that someday. Sounds exactly like the sort of thing I'd expect Negativland to know about.

That's redickuliss. It's not even funny.


The "a boy lying on skins behind our backs" section of that song was maybe the most haunting part for me, because the sampling never made it clear what context it came from. I mean…Ocenania? Nenetzes? Speaking Commie?

10-8 Place was probably the first "challenging" plunderphonics/musique concrete piece I ever really responded to.

I do. And it will stop you from having an orgasm…on the Playboy Channel.

Jesus Christ, my entire college musical experience is fizzling away.

Or at least spell greasy with a "z" like you're supposed to.

I was driving back toward Minneapolis from an appointment in Lake Elmo just after noon. As always, my car stereo was tuned to The Current. And after two songs, Jade the DJ threw the feed over to Andrea Swenson, the station's local music reporter and expert, and gave the news.

(Boy, I'm dumb.)

Maybe they aren't a couple anymore? I can see how that'd affect their musical chemistry.

Seems a weird thing to get hung up on, but okay. If you want to, you could pronounce it like it was spelled "Jessica"! That'd really rile her, eh?

Her first album "Kismet" consists mostly of better-quality recordings of her demos, so it's worth hearing for that alone. Plus there's one new song on there that ranks up with the best of her early style, despite its laboriously awful name, "Intelligentactile 101."

Use one headphone cup.

Maybe. I don't know anything about "Angel Mom." "Seed of Wonder," was the song that DJ fellow got attached to.

I took my then-girlfriend to a Ditty-Bops show for her birthday some years ago, and Jesca Hoop was the opening act. She was truly mesmerizing, very assured with a lyrical, dreamlike/spooky style that would have felt stilted and gimmicky in less capable hands. At the time she was mostly known for "coming out of

Slightly redundant, but I agree.

Uhh…uncomfortably close to "mammogram."

Just to goose it up a little?

If you have a yeasty growth in your esophagus!…you might be a breadneck.