
Despite the fact that I was six or seven when The White Shadow aired, I remember my mom making a big deal out of how daring and realistic the show was. She insisted I watch it with her, and I remember a lot of the plots of the episodes to this day. But one thing I didn't remember is how gol'danged funky that theme

This has to be one of the finest tributes I've ever seen.

They mention several times during the video that Finn's just turned 18.

Trust me, Pen Ward is aware of this already. He once tweeted a YouTube video someone made of a woman twerking in a supermarket while singing "Bacon Pancakes." Dude's got his finger on the pulse.

I was aware that a band by this name existed, but I never explored them or their work before this article. The more I dig into their story, the more I think I've been missing what could be one of my favorite bands. I mean, an aggressively crafty and intellectual indie/psych-pop mastermind who was unabashedly

Too bad Peri's fingers seem to be on the fritz.

Mary Poppins.

I get the image of video store clerks, long after video stores have been rendered obsolete, still scraping out a meager existence by wandering the hip urban neighborhoods, doffing their knit caps and asking the passersby, "'scuse me, m'lud, but would you and your pretty missus be headin' back to yours for some Netflix

Wasn't R.E.M.'s "Crush with Eyeliner" supposed to be about her too? I think she claimed that in an interview; the "three miles of bad road" line sticking out to her as evidence.

I wasn't talking about AVC either, just for the record.

That wasn't my experience when David Bowie passed. I went online and found a good deal of fellowship, directly and indirectly, that allowed me to go through some small piece of grieving. I know there were some places where Bowie's discretions were being discussed or revealed or what have you. It wasn't hard to either


Aeroplane is one of those albums about which thousands of words have been written, thousands more will be written in the future, and will still have elements of elusive human and poetic magic that might never be completely deconstructed. It's going to survive every round of backlash it will encounter. And yeah, that

I will never forgive you for graphically suggesting that Bill Murray is a dickhead.

The open mouth being aligned so perfectly with the giant penis tip is just begging for some droll photoshopping.

Excellent placement of the letter grade over the title image at the start of the review. Would've really recontextualized the whole film if you'd given it a D.

That's a comment.

Saturdays, huh? And no sign of new Steven Universe yet? It's like Cartoon Network and Disney are in some kind of secret competition to see who can shit all over their schedule more.

At no point did they specify that her Oscar was for fucking.