
It's not the "strange and lame" line I'm concerned with, it's what one does once you see somebody cross it. My comment was in response to that Commodore 64 fellow who explicitly used the phrase "some mild internet bullying." He's looking for an okay subculture to be deliberately cruel to. Why bother expending energy

I understand what you're saying. I think some of the prejudices you hold come out of some application of facets of some very small subgroups to the population of furries overall. That all comes down to personal experiences. I'm by no means a part of the furry community, but I have had more than a little interaction

I guess it all depends on your reading of/intent in using the term "draw the lines of acceptance." I believe you when you say that, in your case, it just means being judgmental in your own time and in your own mind. But those words could come off as very different to someone else. I mean, I kind of misinterpreted them


"…the word 'mancave'…it's called…asshole."

Horizontally or vertically?

Doesn't that open up a whole cask of worms, though, about who gets to decide what's "strange and lame" to begin with? I mean, on the most literal level, you could make fun of objectively strange, lame humans, but that'd mean you were being derisive toward mentally and physically disabled people. Would that be okay?

I can only promise that that sensation of being the smartest person in the world will get even stronger and stronger. Just as the experience of not-getting a maze type until you get it starts to grow old, a whole new means of approaching the game and its mysteries will present itself to you.

Ahhh, okay. Yeah, thanks for that, it does make the idea of posting here seem less like a contract, I guess.

Not entirely sure what you mean by the This Game/That Game part of your comment. Are you saying that I'm not gonna actually play The Witness or something?

I don't think I've posted here before, but I've never been this sure about what my weekend gaming plans involve, so there you go.

Oh, that Jackson!!

He was her home planet.

You're thinking of Hee-Haw funny.

I can't wait to find out what quirky, endearing demise they'll use to write Sookie out of the show.

The lifeless husk of Left Shark.

I'm happy to imagine a Gaga/Iggy slaying, but that's as far as the sentence will go for me.

I'm just here for the battling punctuation.

It's my understanding that ladies love him.

*pats doesitmatter on the head, offers him some soup*