
Makes sense. I guess Pegg himself took to Twitter not too long ago to show where he first saw the sentiment.

Nor me. I'm basically marking time until Mary Lucia gets on the air at 2pm.

Nah, you weren't reductive at all, man. I was thinking about using the "born performer" descriptor for Bowie in my reply, but realized it doesn't come within ten miles of everything Bowie was.

KCMP The Current out of Minneapolis/St. Paul will be playing ten straight hours of Bowie starting at noon CST. The DJs who'll be working these shifts wear their Bowie-love on their sleeves too, so it will make for some very interesting listening. You can stream this at

It kind of amazed me that Bowie would agree to take such a strange, small role in Fire Walk With Me, but it feels now like Lynch knew that role had to be played by someone somewhat unearthly and earnest at the same time, and Bowie's reputation brought a lot of that cachet to the role from the outset. On top of that,

"Born Performer" seems reductive of everything that Bowie made himself into over the course of his life. Every photograph of him, staged or not, he seems to be completely aware of where the camera is, and what the best presentation of himself would be at that moment.

This quote is already being repeated/reposted all over my social media outlets already. I guess Simon Pegg said it first? Whatever, it's a great sentiment.

I still say we got the clean end of that shit-stick.

Despite the frailty he shows in that video, he still looks so very striking and…powerful? Powerful, I guess. The shots of him in twitchy fast-motion at the writing desk could have come off as schlocky if he didn't look so vital in them (and so aware of the impending end in other parts of the vid).

Semi-upvoted, due to artist misspelling. Ginuwine, please.

The best thing about this near-universal outpouring of admiration for Lemmy is he's one of the few hard-drinking/drugging non-stop hard rockers who wouldn't feel an awkward need to put on some kind of swaggery cynical show of being above this kind of affection. He'd be glad to hear it, offer any well-wishers a drink,

Lemmy's version would've been: "It does no bloody good."


I wondered that as well. I hope it's maybe a leftover from the Giant Woman episode, but it's just as likely someone else recorded the grunt.

Like a dog licking up its own puke?

My god, I haven't laughed this hard at a Steven Universe episode since "So Many Birthdays," even while it went through all kinds of body horror and terrorizing Dorian Grayesque weirdness.

Sweet Jesus, February 15th really isn't that far away.


Myself, I watch college basketball because it's a more exciting, gripping product than the pro game over the long run. These are mostly kids who'll never make the biggest Pro levels, playing for each other and school pride, which is sometimes the most important thing to a person that age. Add to that a constant

I wish I could find an image of that specific comic online, but my Google-fu is failing me for the moment.