
I'm talking about a very early Life in Hell comic entitled "The Massage" which used "The Message" as a jumping-off point. The refrain was changed to "It's like a party sometimes/it makes me wonder/how I keep myself so slender." Which is what I figured the good Sgt. was referring to in their post.

That would have been wonderful. The frenetic pace of today's ep would have played beautifully off of the enjoyable build from relaxed pace to huge reveal on the moon base.

This episode REALLY seemed to suffer from the need to rush through all it had to cover, in my opinion. There was a single-minded energy to it that pushed it into just connecting plot points, whereas yesterday's episode had room to breathe, to dwell, and take its pace more organically.

Skeet Ulrich?

That's not what he's saying at all! Did you even read the review?

Jeah I would!

The clinically reductive reasoning of Peridot incorporated so easily and quickly into the song was done so smoothly. It would've been so out of character for her to just haltingly start to sing with Steven. Really really well done.

Also: Lion is fucking awesome.

I only knew because of the mushrooms I had back in grad school, but yeah! Singing green Dorito all the way!

"I get it!"

No Florida either. My guess is the Crewniverse just got rid of some of the more bizarre areas of the planet.


In other words, a Gentle Herpes slice-of-life show?

There are pages and pages of stories speculating on the future years of the Pines twins on reputable sites like Wattpad and Tumblr. So no worries there.

This bodes well!

Have you seen Zach Callison on a convention panel lately? He can slip in and out of Young Steven voice with almost no preparation. It's sort of spooky.

Exception: Ruby/Sapphire.

Yeah, that's something I was vaguely aware of, but never saw put into words before now. The relationship issues are real world issues, and about as adult as a show aimed at kids dares to get. Nothing overblown for the sake of simplicity or laughs. Just folks, mostly invested in the maintenance of their relationship,

Frybo blew me away. If they ever find a way back to making an episode in that vein, I'd be thrilled. But the direction the show's gone has been sublime.

I approve of this.