
I have full faith in the Crewniverse to know precisely when…if at all…such a move would be right for the ongoing narrative of the show. These people have a perfect handle on their characters. It may be that the show never reaches that point, and I'd be fine with that as long as it goes out on the creators' terms.

Wait'll the ab/dl community hears about this.

Carseat Amethyst was creepy-gross, given her one line.

It felt like we were SO close to the first more-than-friends kiss between Steven and Connie at the end. And while I wanted it to happen…I also wanted it not to happen, in equal measures. That's some good damn writing right there, by gum.

Their vague threats became much less vague during the second half of last year. I'm as optimistic as a Wrens fan can be! Which means not at all. This boy is exhausted.

Underneath it all, Lemmy had the heart and soul of a roadie. In the absolute best sense.

I love you for this comment.

He absolutely did. Made music, played music, lived the model rock star lifestyle all year long despite advanced age and health issues. Maybe it was best that he leave so soon after his worst diagnosis, so he could actually burn out on his own terms than fade away on someone else's.

Matter of fact, you could say "Metal was very Lemmy."

That'd be right up there on my list too.

Here's a way to pay tribute: doesn't matter what your voice sounds like, or how beautiful-ugly your face is, turn up some hard guitar, get that microphone a foot above you, tilt your head back and FUCKING SING TO HEAVEN.

"Greatest" is hard to quantify. But if you were told that you had to choose just one song in the history of rock 'n' roll to represent everything that it ever meant and everything it could ever be…well you'd be hard pressed to make a better pick.

This is a major blow to rock'n'roll and everything it stands for.

Post now, Linklater.

I made it to the bottom of the comments thread without ONE person making a "CBGB/heebie-jeebies" joke?

It always sounded to me like the results of eating at that sort of a place, not the place itself. "The stench of hops boiling, along with the sub-par pork in my Barbecue Carnitas Eggrolls, gave me a wicked case of gastropub a few hours later."

Hey now. They're all brand-affiliated fast casual eateries known by four-letter acronyms. Why split hairs?

Once Animal Collective streamed their upcoming album at BWI, airports have become the new trendsetters in musical relevancy.

It's a tie for me. The big reveal scene in The Crying Game and the entirety of Your Friends and Neighbors were viewed with my mother sitting right next to me, in the theatre.