
Not even just to observe from a distance…?

A twitter presence on twitter. Go figure.

Doc Unk has a twitter presence? Do I dare search for it?

Well, there's your problem right there! You've been following the wrong group. Die Anterwood is a Nova Scotia-based accordian-and-jugband who do stepdance-influenced covers of third wave ska music.

All I want for Christmas is another upvote for that last line of your comment.

That's….three jurors per room!

I'm crappin' you negative.

…and your address, for those of us with burgling plans that day?

Phew, the ferocity of parts of SU's fanbase. Man, it's…truly ridiculous. I follow Ian Jones-Quartey's twitter feed, and he occasionally engages with some of the more pointedly direct SU frothers. He manages to do so open-mindedly and fairly, in the face of some pretty ludicrous hyperbole. The man has the patience and

Honestly? I'm sort of hoping 2016 is a bit of a downshift in terms of fantastic television, because I'm gonna need the summer to catch up on the stuff I should have been watching this year.

Yeah, you put your finger on a big chunk of what I was struggling to express. Steven doesn't even act like the classic TV stereotype of a "bereaved child," because that wouldn't be genuine! He's learning about what's been lost through other people's pain, through their own struggles with still-living parents, and the

For all the things that SU gets deserved props for dealing with, one thing that doesn't get mentioned much is its examination of adults trying to deal with loss and death. Any other cartoon would be all over watching Steven grapple with his mom giving up her physical form, and the Gems and Greg would be there to

Hey, for what it's worth, I enjoyed reading all your comments in the shows we both followed. It's nice to have a place where your love of cartoons AND more typically adult fare get tons of unabashed love AND genuine critical weight. And as far as unabashedness goes, you're one of the unabashiest. I'm sure your


Well, it wasn't a scheduled release for Wilco.

If you're covertly rallying for an animated version of Help Us, Great Warrior, you can count on my support.

83. Where Wisconsin Was
84. Boosting
85. The Leslie Furp Show
86. Twisting our Words
87. Seasonalia
88. Real Outlaws' Wives
89. The Fortune Bookie
90. Enumerated List

Why, thank you. I just had it styled.

I googled the names of the newer cartoonists mentioned in the article. The ones by Ed Steed made me actually laugh out loud. I don't think I've laughed out loud at a New Yorker cartoon in decades, aside from the occasional muttered "aaaah..heh…"

I think that's one stranger too many for the denizens of the A. V. Club.