
Yeah, that kissyfaces-moment was seriously bordering on hawt.

The best part of it is "getting away with" suggests they're somehow sneaking all this by the gatekeepers over at CN. But in actuality, CN and the Crewniverse interact quite a bit on the places this cartoon goes, and according to Rebecca Sugar, once the Crew explains to CN their reasoning for putting things in the

Their solid hit ratio is up there with Rick and Morty. Pretty astonishing.

Heh. "Refusing" vs. "re-fusing." Had a little trouble understanding what you were getting at there.

And I think there wasn't much that could be done to the middle of the story itself to have changed it, really. I believe Garnet felt she needed to be away from Pearl and Amethyst to weather the separation she new was coming. And in that isolation from the other gems, you've got to work around the pacing that comes

The AV Club

It really did feel like there was one instrument that was a quarter-beat behind the rest of the orchestra here. Emotional reveals and conflicts usually flow so organically in this show that it's hard to believe that it only took eleven minutes to explore and explain everything the characters go through. But I felt

The AV Club

Perhaps Mr. Eisenberg misheard and thought he was going to "Calm-ic Con."

Some kind of uppity douche.

Are you adjusting for inflation?

"Comic-Con is like some kind of wonderful!"

He's lending relevancy to a dying medium?

I'd change my mind too, but eh…takes too much effort.

Maybe it was meant to be "wire comedians"? Like, he needs some funny people telegraphed to him immediately?

I've seen all the camera-phone'd leaks I could find over the weekend. Anything else you witnessed at the panel you'd like to share with us?

Fusion is such a deep, rich and complex metaphor for interpersonal action and interaction, and the way the Crewniverse maintain its levels without calling too much attention to them is subtle and brilliant. Seriously, I can see about a thousand graduate level theses potentially growing out of that element of the show

Dammit, "Pear" is one letter away from "Pearl." How did I miss that the first time?!

I'm thinking that her "defective" nature has something to do with this. Not necessarily that she's unable to comprehend boundary nuances, but more that she's just a different kind of Pearl who has a level of empathy and interactivity that most Pearls can't rise to.

CN is doing all kinds of weird things with scheduling this summer, mostly as a means to get a big chunk of publicity and ratings by making their key shows week-long events. I think this is also meant to help them figure out where and when to schedule things in the future, and by the time fall rolls around they'll have