
Watercress, though…deeeeeelicious!

The Cosby Mysteries, Solved

Eva and Evan Longoria!

4. Leonard Pierce's lean-to.

Yes, but not on their faces.

To reach today's youth demographic, the tagline will be something like "They're totally cray, yo!"

As Charlie Brown would say, "Oh brother."

Makin' the beast with two thoraxes. Oooh baby.

"Say hello to my woolen blend!"

Green Acres starring Ava Gabor (and Eva Green)

Sounds like it's gonna be da bomb!

A chiasmus miasma, if you will.

It's not endless. You've just been sent back in time to the beginning of the first film's airing.

Nitpicky, but: shouldn't it be "secret bloc" and not "block"?

Love ya right back, Space Pope.

Wow, I'd forgotten about World of Tomorrow. I think that's got to be my pick too. In a way, it helps that I haven't seen it since its Vimeo debut (and that I watched it while I was in the hospital, which somehow made it resonate more with me). I'm looking forward to reconnecting with it sometime in the back-half of…

I saw the headline on the homepage, and figured the body of the story was just "EVERYBODY RUN!!!!"

I was really unsure about this.

I prefer to read this as "Suck my dick-metal."

Absolutely agreed.