
Hey, if I didn't know any better, it looks like a deskinned cobra. Or gigantic worm.

That was my first reaction: probably cashed out!

I guess it couldn't be an Asian with non-Asian fetish?

The Barreleye fish's "face" looks like that Okay rage face.

And what game(s) lack this glaring flaw?

That's OK, they'll skip to 7 axes. Otherwise, Sony might have a word with them >_>

It's by shipping. My coworker who lives in NY ships stuff to work at NJ tax free.

Pretty sure it means a pen you can mark on a paper bill to see if it's legit or counterfeit.

I am having a hard time understanding what the grip pointed downward even means. Are there any pictures of the pose?

The exact reason means everything. The computer losing connection to the local network is akin to yanking the network cord. How is that Blizzard's fault? Or did you just need some fuel to hate on Blizzard?

Considering it's reversible, guess boys are going to start getting those injections in there junk, making them sterile. You're really going to run into problems when someone or the gov't gets to dictate whether you have kids or not though. Sounds like a certain 1 child per family law somewhere...

That's what I thought when I read the title, but you clearly didn't bother to read the rest of the article.

Noo, give in to it because I want to know what it is.

Agreed, no issues with GFWL either.

Now why did Nokia go and do something like sell essential patents? Couldn't they have made money licensing them?

Which, while softening the blow to the stuff, can hurt your foot >_< I tend to do it too.

Is that Shawn Michaels?

Yet some of them still feel entitled to watch them anyway.

If there's going to be a remake of MGS, since Twin Snakes got all matrixy, lets kick it up a notch and give the remake duties to Platinum Games. Yeaaaaaaaaaa

In comparison to reward cards, 100 points is usually worth $1. Granted, there are times where you get point multipliers during promotions or as a perk of the card.