Leave pro-Google or pro-Microsoft or pro-Sony or pro-Nintendo comment, get labeled a fanboy. Nothing special.
Leave pro-Google or pro-Microsoft or pro-Sony or pro-Nintendo comment, get labeled a fanboy. Nothing special.
I would totally dig these deck building games. I only need people to play with :(
I feel the same way.
I bet at least half of the iPhone users there have them for status reasons. All about face.
Guess you don't believe in people taking a vacation or going out of town on holidays. No achievement for those guys.
Text too! Though honestly, having decent earbuds and music is good enough for me to ignore most of the chatter.
As I haven't really watched any of the Star Wars, anyone have a clip of this scene from the original?
Good to know. Thanks commander and @TheDeuceAbides
ditto. I wonder why Newegg still isn't charging tax to NY though.
Well, to be fair, all those scanning is so much more time consuming than just reformatting if the person has or can back up all the files.
Megatextures baby!
"If you want to avoid getting ripped off, don't buy iPads and laptops for a few hundred bucks"
Some people are just in denial... like... uh... me.
I'd consider it more in line with Capcom giving away SSFIV AE PC version to all EVO participants.
Why? How ancient is your phone if you can't text? Or do you just not want to pay for the sms fees?
The facial hair says otherwise.
I'm with you there. We seem like one of the few in this cold, dank online world
I guess people are going to start flipping out when it inadvertently flags cute kitty pictures as NSFW
20 minutes? I thought 15 was the max after the announced upgrade a while back???
Deustch, Douche, what's the difference? Somebody had to do it.