pre-emptive sigh

Absolutely nobody is saying he is. We’re saying that we had the chance to avoid this, but we decided to nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States. The DNC and Democrats in general had the hubris to nominate such a fundamentally divisive person and still expect them to win. That is what we’re saying.

How do we lose?

No he wouldn’t have. The left would have fallen in line and the few morons that went Stein or Johnson that were previous Bernie babies and morphed into Never Hillary people would obviously still vote for him. Hell, Biden would have trounced him too. She was literally the worst person to send against him.

Yea all the women who think Hillary sucks are misogynists, including myself. Good theory !

Guess what. The vast majority of libertarian voters are disaffected republicans. Without Gary Johnson, Trump would be winning by even more.

Actually, it’s “fuck you”, and your extremist SJW agenda for pushing so many people to Trump.

I wonder. Sanders was really good in the debates, the ones that the clinton campaign went out of their way to avoid and minimize. He was strong and he wanted to make a difference in America, without all of the bigotry and divisiveness that Trump had. We’ll never know, but I think Sanders would’ve wiped the floor with

She also pursued a strategy that sought to push him to the top of the pile.

But mostly, fuck you and fuck your fucking misogyny.

Cannabis is already a schedule 1 drug under federal law.

But mostly, fuck you and fuck your fucking misogyny.

Get the fuck out with that bullshit now. Where the hell did he mention anything about gender? It’s idiots like you who put us in this situation. “Im with her” How about, im with the best policies, im with the most viable candidate? Fuck you.

The very first reply I got accused me of hating Hillary because she’s a woman. I fucking voted for her last week via mail. But because I had the gall to suggest that Sanders was a better candidate, and indeed I voted for him in the primaries, I’m just a misogynistic piece of shit.

I voted for her. Are you guys REALLY still pulling this bullshit card? Thanks for reminding me why I left.

We wouldn’t need to be searching for a silver lining if we hadn’t put forward the single most scandalridden (unjustified, but that doesn’t matter to low-info people), hated Democrat in the entire United States.

Exactly. Besides the fact that Dems were fucking idiots to nominate her, she made NO real attempt to reach out to the Bernie wing or learn a SINGLE FUCKING LESSON from his success. All that condescending “oh, it was nice to have Bernie challenge her because it made her a better candidate”... well that would require

Well sure, Trump voters bear the ultimate blame, but I agree with Medieval that the centrist instincts of the DNC continues to fuck us over.

So it is not the candidate’s fault whether they win or lose? That’s new.

This kind of campaign worked for Gore and Kerry, why the hell not?

Hillary blew a 3-1 lead.