pre-emptive sigh

LOL. If it weren’t Gary Johnson, Trump would already be president elect. The vast majority of 3rd party voters are disaffected republicans.

Umm, this is absolutely Hillary Clinton’s fault. She colluded with the DNC to win the primary by pushing negative stories about Sanders and holding debates during NFL playoff games. She got debate questions in advance because she never answers any questions off the cuff. She never connected with voters but it was ‘her

No. Anything but that. Hillary is perfect. She only loses because of other people. Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, Comey, etc...

Right? The vast majority of Johnson supporters are disaffected republicans. Without Johnson, Trump’s already declared the winner.

You come to your safe spaces and think everyone feels just like you and are shocked to find out they don’t. Yall ban everyone who has a different opinion(I’m proof) so that the bubble just feeds itself.

Yeah it is. Red states always report first. Trump has to win Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. He’ll win Ohio and maybe Florida, but not North Carolina.

I have 3 monitors, but that monitor arm is terrible. I don’t want a screen 2 feet to the left and 2 feet to the right, like a 6 ft widescreen. I want screens to wrap around me.

Well, not quite. Worst case would be Trump winning with a house and senate. This is 2nd worst case. Clinton winning with no house or senate. Means no supreme court nominees. No new laws. Lots of vetos.

Given his chronic absenteeism, I’d say 4 years is generous.

I say things because I believe them. Which is what comment spaces are for. I don’t use insults, and when I make claims, I back them up with evidence. If that’s what you consider a control, so be it I guess.

Thankfully we’ve evolved since then. Going somewhere to watch porn sounds brutal.

The founding fathers didn’t even trust landowning white men to vote directly. That’s why they created the electoral college. In general, they thought people were stupid. I tend to agree.

Democrats also lost Indiana Senate race. Looking more like Republicans will keep the Senate and be able to block Supreme Court nominees.