pre-emptive sigh

2012 Texas GOP platform on education:
“We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills, critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining

The same can be said of Hillary. In the end, less than 10% of the voting age population in the country had her as their first choice. It’s no coincidence that the 2 eventual nominees where the 2 that had huge leads in name recognition coming into the campaign.

Plus they regularly execute any girls who grow over 5 ft tall.

I think if Donald Trump’s nomination has shown us anything it’s that voting is a flawed system because it relies on an informed electorate.

You’re going to need to set the Wayback machine to 1991.

Damn Mexicans! Who gave them permission to be on this land that used to belong to them?

One day we’ll figure out how to make security cameras half as good as cell phone cameras...

Talk about disrespecting the flag, he ties it in a knot and then can’t even be bothered to straighten it.

That was the infamous Bhopal contest right?

“.01 to the 8th power”

Setting examples to prevent others from making those mistakes is not nothing. If a player uses PEDs, he’s punished so that other players know there’s a punishment. If there was no significant penalty for being caught, then what would prevent other players from doing it?

Wooh! A tie. Now for the rest of the season figuring out playoff standings is going to be a pain in the ass...

How many advertisements did you need to see before you decided to try it or not to try it? 100-200? By all reckoning the ad campaigns were obscene excesses. But now that people know what daily fantasy is, and that the legal hurdles have mostly been taken care of, the barriers to entry are far lower. Essentially

I know, that’s why he’s only smarter than 70% of the class and not valedictorian.

Being the only companies doesn’t necessarily mean they can exercise monopoly power (which is why the anti-trust regulations exist).

For a split second I almost felt sorry for them and then this:

  1. If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful.

Well that display of intellectual athleticism just put him in the top 30% of his class at Arizona.

Sharks can smell blood from miles away though...just saying

Using up your allocation of good/lucky plays against the Browns, who are on their 23rd quarterback this season, seems like a waste.