pre-emptive sigh

In the new contract CCA has agreed so not generously to reduce the facility’s costs by 40 percent without reducing the inmate population

Even the kickers seem to suck more this year.

So all you need is an entire years worth of pre-tax salary saved for a down payment? I should be getting a house sometime in 2042 then...

Look, domestic abuse typically affects women, but touchdown celebrations could be damaging children, male children at that. I think it’s appropriate that mentally and physically torturing your wife for years gets you a 1 game suspension, but possibly altering the air pressure in a football deserves over a year in

Mississippi has ONE abortion clinic. It’s not planned parenthood. The website of ‘The Pink House’ in case you want to donate:

Arguing with a religious zealot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well thought out and planned your moves, the pigeon will knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut away like he won.


I just quoted you 3 bible passages where the explicit contract is made. “Give money, get reward.”

Yo mama is so scripted, even her focus groups are boring as hell

Write a terrible auto-biography.

If the Giants really cared about domestic violence, they would’ve taken Brown and cut him in London.

Thank you for proving my point.

The Vatican Bank’s 2014 report lists its total assets at €3.2 billion ($3.6 billion) as of December 31, including €2.6 billion in securities investments, more than 90% of which is in government bonds.

Probably the first time one of the Trumplets has posed with a living creature not in their immediate family.

Then can’t I stay inside and tune into myself?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People who keep journals aren’t normal.

Use a vpn or browse in a private window.

If it was more like MLB they’d be ‘self-policing.’ After an excessive end-zone celebration, the opposing team could spear your quarterback without the refs interfering.

It depends on the case/jurisdiction. If you’re a white cop in a mostly black neighborhood charged with a crime, a jury trial probably isn’t your best bet. Ask for the bench trial and the judge can dismiss it, but if you go to a jury you risk being tried for every cop who got off without punishment before you.