“No threats. Point made.”
White women repeat statement made by colored people for years...subsequently claim to have discovered a great social truth.
Makes me want to fire her. Getting yelled at makes you cry? Grow up. You’re not a child.
Both you and Not Enough Day Drinking are correct: this is a PR firm doing its job, and it’s filthy, disgusting work. If you work in corporate crisis PR, it helps to be amoral.
The internet is not your house. The internet is a common room. If you leave pictures of your dog in the common room and someone says ‘damn that’s an ugly dog’ you have no right to get upset that someone is looking at photos of your dog because even if they didn’t want to see your ugly ass dog, you left it where they…
PR firms monitor what is being said about the institution and craft PR responses during times of crisis. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
There’s nothing shady about this.
Shady in what way? Looking at publicly available data relevant to your job is shady? Since when?
I’m not defending anyone. I’m pointing out that this article is basically saying:
If you post things for public consumption on the interwebs, don’t be surprised when other people look at those things...
Like I said, maybe it’s just me, but nothing pisses me off more than someone who insults you with a smug smile and acts like they didn’t insult you.
See, this is one time I think the southern white ladies do it better:
No shit it’s not deep. That was my point. It was a football game. Not a life metaphor. The team that usually wins, won. The team that usually loses, lost. It wasn’t white supremacy or black power. It was good team vs bad team.
And the Root’s opinion isn’t mine (notice I said he wasn’t the only one to make that comparison). You could just as easily make the metaphor that team from the state that overwhelmingly voted for Trump lost to the team from the state that overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.
So a team owned by a rich white man, coached by a rich white man, and quarterbacked by a rich white man, beat another team owned by a rich white man, coached by a rich white man, and quarterbacked by a rich white man, but one team was supposed to represent blackness over the other?
Other than trying to turn a football game into an allegory about race (which he wasn’t the only one to do). Since New England won that game, does that mean that whites are superior? I hope not. Just like it wouldn’t have solved racism if Atlanta had won. It was just a football game.
Lazy artists. That bear should have a real job catching fish, fattening up for winter, defending schools from other bears, etc...
I’m pretty sure the OP said take it out at any point. Not that they were against late term abortions.
Yall missed the point completely.