They also aren’t taking BYU which would be a brand new market in a brand new state which according to you is what they want.
They also aren’t taking BYU which would be a brand new market in a brand new state which according to you is what they want.
ESPN is paying them not to take ANYONE...not Houston in particular. You also act like ESPN is infallible. ESPN doesn’t want to take on unexpected costs, which is understandable, but that’s their fault for signing a stupid contract in the first place. If ESPN was as smart as you think they are, they would’ve specified…
Big 12 has been losing the Houston market to the SEC, but don’t take my word for it. Read it straight from ESPN.
Too much saturation? You realize how big Texas is right? Houston would instantly be the largest TV market school in the conference. The rest of the schools are in the Dallas, Austin, Waco and the panhandle. There is no overlap in those markets. You can’t pick a TV station from Waco in Dallas. And no one in Austin…
Thanks a lot Obama
Houston seems like a no brainer to me. It’s right there geographically (4 schools in Texas, 2 in Oklahoma) in the conference. It’s also a big school with a big time football program.
She should definitely accept. Then we get to watch Trump try to make up an excuse to get out of his own challenge.
twice coming back from a two-goal deficit
“simply as to damages” and that it was not “relevant to which version of events at the apartment is true.”
So when Al Gore won the popular vote and lost the election, that’s because every vote counts the same right?
All votes are a waste unless you’re on the electoral college.
“the party of Lincoln”
She was also closer to the White House than Trump will ever be because she was on The West Wing.
He is completely wrong because ‘all’ men don’t do it. Some men do it would be a correct statement. All men do it is a 100% false statement.
All that is meaningless because people who use proper names in Scrabble are the lowest scum on Earth.
He’s such a good I sent him to Detroit
Kim’s legal team apparently tried to get the site to remove the posts; they didn’t and now they will go to court.
Someone died? Things exploded? That’s news!
Act of war is kind of hard to define nowadays because just last Saturday US bombs killed 140 people and injured over 500 at a funeral in Yemen.